> Weekly Tarot Card Readings: Tarot prediction for September 4 to September 10 - নিয়মীয়া খবৰ


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Weekly Tarot Card Readings: Tarot prediction for September 4 to September 10

Whenever you’re confused about a situation and you’re looking for answers, it’s always a good idea to ask the Tarot for guidance! Whether you steadfastly believe these cards can tell you your future or you simply love the ritual of it all, your Tarot horoscope for the week of September 5 to 11 will give you the guidance you’ve been needing.

Aries (Ram), March 21 –April 19

Card of the week: Queen of Pentacles

The Queen of Pentacles represents a hardworking, goal-oriented, practical, generous and warm person.

You strive to create a warm and secure environment for your family and loved ones. This week you will focus on your financial abundance to create a better standard of living for yourself and your loved ones. But remember you also need to strike a balance between work and home. Your loved ones not only need financial security but they need you too, so spend some quality time with them towards the end of the week.

If you are in a job or business female support may bring you luck, wealth and appreciation. If you have a female manager or a business partner, take her advice or follow are decisions to succeed in your goals.

Singles might have high standards and expect a partner who matches their financial or mental status. You may take time to pick up the perfect partner. If you are already in a relationship, you will enjoy a stable and prosperous time together. Invest in the relationship and pamper each other this week. 

Lucky Numbers: 3,6,12

Lucky Colour: Pink & Red

Taurus (Bull), April 20 –May 20

Card of the week: 9 of cups

Nine of cards is the card of contentment, Satisfaction, happiness, pleasure and wish fulfilment.

This card showing up for you this week means you will be blessed with a content life in all aspects of your life –work, family, relationship, friendship health and your overall wellbeing.

Something you have been wishing for has the highest possibility of coming true this week. Keep manifesting.

Something amazing might happen at the workplace, a new assignment, a reward, an increment or a better opportunity you were wishing for my show up this week. Your financial status is likely to improve.

Singles need to socialize to meet the one you were looking for. Relationships will be comforting and soul satiating. Your relationship will reach new levels this week.

Lucky Numbers: 9,4

Lucky Colour: blue

Gemini (Twins) May 21-June 21

Card of the week: Ace of wands

The Ace of Wands represents new opportunities, growth, possibilities and inspirations.

You will be strongly pulled towards new projects and opportunities. If you are having any doubt in this regard then this card is a small nudge to follow your heart. If you are looking for a sign from the universe then the Ace of wands is a HELL YES! But remember to take one step at a time.

 Your creativity will be at its peak, you might want to work on your skills and may consider taking up a course to enhance your skills.

For singles, things are heating up. love interests might move beyond attraction and flirtation to potentially long-term relationships. Relationships which has lost spark may rekindle the flames.

You will feel more emotionally connected.

Lucky Number: 1,9,18

Lucky Colour: orange, golden

Cancer (Crab) June 22-July 22

Card of the week: Ace of Pentacles

The Ace of Pentacles represents new opportunities, growth, possibilities and inspirations related to wealth, finances, the material world and physical health.

You may receive an unexpected sum of money,a new job offer or a new business opportunity this week. This week will bring a new phase of abundance and prosperity in your life. Feel blessed and thank the universe for blessing you with financial abundance.

Singles will be more invested in their career growth and financial stability. Loyalty, Stability and a sense of security will grow in relationships. You might feel have the confidence to take the next big step.

Lucky Number:1

Colour: Brown

Leo (Lion) July 23 – August 22

Card of the week –Wheel of Fortune

The wheel of Fortune reminds us that life is subject to constant change, nothing is permanent.

Big changes are coming your way, make sure you make the best of this time. This trump card also represents the law karma-what goes by comes by. Be nice to people and help them because you are going to receive the same from the universe.

If you are going through tough times then there is a sign that your struggles will end. Your life situations will change. Have faith in the universe.

The wheel of fortune is also a card of destiny so you might meet your soulmate if you work in alignment with the universe. Relationships will experience changes, you might want to take a step ahead to start a new phase or even a step back to find the real purpose of the relationship.

 Lucky Number-1,10,11

Lucky Colour: Gold

Virgo (Virgin) Aug 23-Sep 22

Card of the week: The Hermit

The Major Archana card Hermit represents self-reflection, introspection, contemplation,  solitude, and search for self and wisdom.

You must be thinking about what you want out of your career right now. You may be looking for a purpose, you are contemplating options but struggling to take the necessary steps forward. The Hermit appearing right now signifies that the universe might bless you with a mentor or guide or the universe would send you signals to lead you to the right path.

You may feel detached from others or even your love interest. You might want to spend some time alone and look at your relationships from a distance. Existing relationships will go through a difficult phase of soul searching, but remember the end of the day it is for your highest good.

Lucky Number: 9,3

Lucky Colour: purple, violet

Libra (Balance) Sep 23- Oct 23

Card of the week: The Emperor

You have a chance to grow in your career and achieve your highest goals provided you take charge and follow strict discipline. At the workplace, you make be put in charge of some important position or project. You need to make the best out of it now. your carrier will flourish with hard work and persistence. You might also receive support from your boss or colleagues.

Money matters are needed to be handled with care. do not overspend and work on your savings.

If you are single or in a relationship, you need to focus and work on your relationship . Investing time and energy will help you find peace and harmony in matters of the heart.

Lucky colour: Red

Lucky Number: 4

Scorpio (Scorpion) Oct 24-Nov 21

Card of the week: The world

 The world card is here to tell you that all the efforts that you have been putting in place are starting to pay off. You will complete a major milestone, a long-term assignment, project, study or any major event in your life.

You have done your best, pat your back and be proud of yourself.

The finances look promising. Stay put keep investing.

If you are planning to get into a new relationship, or get married or plan a family .this is the time to go ahead. you might take the big decision now.

Lucky Number:2,4

Lucky colour: green

Sagittarius (Arches) Nov 22 –Dec 21

Card of the week: The Moon

The Moon is the card for illusion, uncertainty, dilution, fear and confusion

The Moon indicates a time of uncertainty and illusion when nothing is what it seems. Be careful of making quick decisions as you might not have the exact information or the details of the real situation.do not take any risks this week. time to listen to your intuitions. You might face difficulty in choosing the right career path for you. Things will look more confusing than before. Think before you take any steps. Outside forces might trouble you, don’t listen to them and trust your intuitions.

Avoid making any financial investments this week.

Relationships will go through a phase of miscommunication and confusion. Frequent arguments might take place.

If you are single be careful about the person you are interested in as that person might not be showing you his real self. Dive deep before taking a step ahead.

Lucky Number: 5

Lucky Colour: White

Capricorn (Goat) Dec 22-Jan 19

Card of the week: 3 of cups

Three of cups call for a happy reunion. Time for meeting friends and family, spending quality time and celebrating life. There could be an upcoming event where you may meet your long-lost friends, relatives, cousins etc.

In terms of the carrier, you might have work-related events or travels. It is a good time to enjoy these relationships and beautiful moments of life.

If you are single you might get lucky. Close friendships might turn into romance. If you are in a relationship these social gatherings will bring you closer. Enjoy this phase

Lucky colour: yellow

Lucky number:7

Aquarius (water bearer) Jan 20- Feb 18

Card of the week: The fool

The major arcana fool card denotes a clean slate, a new beginning, a new journey, optimism and freedom.

 If you’ve been looking to start a new career path, change jobs, get a promotion, or even start your own venture, the Fool can be a welcome card to begin your new journey. You are carefree and ready to take risks. You are ready for the new adventures of life. Have confidence in yourself and full faith in the divine timings of the universe everything is going to work out for you.

The fool card indicates a new relationship, be ready to expand your horizons and receive the gift of love. Relationships will receive new directions. If you are currently struggling in your relationship take a short break and start afresh with a clean slate.

Lucky Number :1

Lucky colour: green

Pisces (Fish) Feb 19-March 20

Card of the week: Temperance

The card of balance, harmony, patience moderation and peace

You have found peace in the chaos. You have mustered the art of letting go. You have gained clarity about what you want in life and you are working towards it without paying heed to the external factors which are disturbing you for quite some time.

This is the right attitude and the best approach, go ahead and you shall achieve what your heart desires.

Temperance shows up to tell you that you are doing a good job in balancing your career with different aspects of your life.

In terms of relationships, you need to be cautious do not indulge in deep-rooted issues or arguments. Stay calm and take care of your actions. The key to a harmonious relationship right now is having patience.

Lucky number:8

Lucky Colour: white

Weekly Tarot Prediction by – Ierea

Tarot Reader Ierea


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